Award Pertama

Terimakasih pada blog ANEH81 yang telah memberikan award pada blog saya yang sederhana ini. Ini juga award pertama saya.Saya juga akan memberikan award ini juga kepada :AbdibukuAstronomerBlogspotmediacurvatechEatthetempeFree Anime DownloadGratis Lirik LaguM.Suyantomoney2your-blogpinoy2peopleputra...

Smadav 2009 Rev 7.5

In Rev. SmadAV 7 this times has been enhanced to be much faster and lighter in detecting and securing your computer from virus threats in Indonesia. New features added such as Smad-Turbo (Scanning 10x faster), Smad-Theme (Changing the color theme), Smad-Ray (Auto flash is very fast scan). This all makes SmadAV become one of the fastest antivirus and lightest in the world, so SmadAV still be used on computers with lower specifications though.In Rev. 7 It also adds a database SmadAV introduction of...

Cracking Zip Password Files

Tut On Cracking Zip Password Files..What is FZC? FZC is a program that cracks zip files (zip is a method of compressing multiple files into one smaller file) that are password-protected (which means you're gonna need a password to open the zip file and extract files out of it). You can get it anywhere - just use a search engine such as uses multiple methods of cracking - bruteforce (guessing passwords systematically until the program gets it) or wordlist attacks (otherwise known...

Change Text on XP Start Button

Step 1 - Modify Explorer.exe FileIn order to make the changes, the file explorer.exe located at C:\Windows needs to be edited. Since explorer.exe is a binary file it requires a special editor. For purposes of this article I have used Resource Hacker. Resource HackerTM is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler and works on Microsoft Windows...

Cannot Use Password to Get Back into Windows XP

Because of the security features built into Windows XP, it is virtually impossible to get back into the system without the password.You have several options to try and get around this problem.If you have access to another user account with administrator rights, you can use that account to change the passwordof the account that is locked out. You can also use the default Administrator account that is built into Windows XP.First you need to boot the system into Safe Mode.1.Restart your system.2.When...

Mimo Mini USB Monitor

At first we considered making sarcastic comments about paying the same for a miniature 7" monitor that you would for a monitor three times the size. Then we took a closer look at the Mimo Mini USB monitor and realized it is powered entirely via USB, no external AC adaptor or video card needed. This miniature display marvel also runs in landscape or portrait mode and also comes in a touchscreen version. Mimo Mini, we think we love you - full specs after the jump.Small monitor runs completely off...

CrunchPad tablet project self-destructs

News site TechCrunch on Monday said that its CrunchPad tablet project has 'self destructed' due to a legal dispute. The touchscreen slate was to have been unveiled soon but is effectively being shut down as the actual developer, Fusion Garage, has claimed it will sell the device without further input from the co-developer and would only carry the CrunchPad name, using site founder Michael Arrington only as a product evangelist.Arrington has rejected the option and pointed out that the decision,...

Bell launches MiFi 2372 hotspot with HSPA 3G

As promised, Canadian wireless and cable provider Bell on Monday has began offering the Novatel Wireless MiFi 2372 Intelligent Mobile Hotspot. The device uses Bell's recently launched HSPA network and will let up to five users share a single 3G connection over Wi-Fi.The announcement makes Bell the first to carry the MiFi 2372 in Canada. The device is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems and will allow for 7.2Mbps transfer speeds, which is fast enough for streaming video and some...
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