CrunchPad tablet project self-destructs

News site TechCrunch on Monday said that its CrunchPad tablet project has 'self destructed' due to a legal dispute. The touchscreen slate was to have been unveiled soon but is effectively being shut down as the actual developer, Fusion Garage, has claimed it will sell the device without further input from the co-developer and would only carry the CrunchPad name, using site founder Michael Arrington only as a product evangelist.Arrington has rejected the option and pointed out that the decision,...

Bell launches MiFi 2372 hotspot with HSPA 3G

As promised, Canadian wireless and cable provider Bell on Monday has began offering the Novatel Wireless MiFi 2372 Intelligent Mobile Hotspot. The device uses Bell's recently launched HSPA network and will let up to five users share a single 3G connection over Wi-Fi.The announcement makes Bell the first to carry the MiFi 2372 in Canada. The device is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems and will allow for 7.2Mbps transfer speeds, which is fast enough for streaming video and some...
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