Games HD & 3D for Xperia X8 Part 3
1. Wave Blazer v.1.0.5
pass: ajie1987
2. Welcome To Hell
pass: ajie1987
3. Worms for Android
pass: ajie1987
4. Asphalt 5 HD
- On the eclair, completed a level 1 when loading the video will be right out. Time out simply go back asphalt 5 (if there is notification "can not play this video" quickly press ok, if fail try again until it works, after passing the level.
- or do resize all. mp4 into a resolution HVGA use video converter software on the computer, then replace all. mp4 with yg sdh on resize.
- Bug game: every incoming sms, force close. The solution set to airplane mode.
ekstrak data to sdcard:\gameloft\games\
pass: ajie1987
note: disable traffic data
fitting screens on the X8
Because X8 not multitouch, so the camera / back / option,
the volume can be used as a jump button.
notification if there cannot play video,
try the resize file to size intro.mp4 use 480x320 resolution video converter software
6. Bass Fishing Mania v0.0.1
Download apk
note: rename file *.zip to *.apk
7. Deer Hunter Challenge HD
data ekstrak to sd card to folder glu. Sdcard:\glu\deerchal\
pass: ajie1987
data traffic need disable
8. Eternal Legacy HD
put in the sdcard into sdcard:\gameloft\games\GloftELHP\
pass: ajie1987
1. when it is installed, extract the titanium to sdcard into sdcard:\TitaniumBackup\
2. Open titanium backup app, locate the game, continue to restore the app+data
9. Gangstar: West Coast Hustle HD For Xperia X8

Download link mediafire
pass: ajie1987
copy folder gangstar to sdcard:\gameloft\games\
data traffic need disable
10. Heavy Gunner HD
apk pass: ajie1987
data copy data to sdcard:\Com2uS\com.com2us.HG
data traffic need disable
Page related :
Games HD & 3D for Xperia X8 Part 1
Games HD & 3D for Xperia X8 Part 2
Sources from:
Official Lounge for Sony Ericsson XPERIA™ X8 [Shakira]
9. Gangstar: West Coast Hustle HD For Xperia X8 not working on x8
why Gangstar: West Coast Hustle HD For Xperia X8 not working on x8
can anyone give me the download link for download avatar intro.....
assasin creed intro not avatar.....sorry!
gangstar HD WORKING ON XPERIA MINI! :3 <333333333
hi when i try to instal the game say game block for security what i have to do
Thanks, but some links of data like Heavy Gunner doesnt work.(sorry for bad english)
Me add no msn: eu tenho a maioria desses jogos i posso te ajudar, valeu
It Work Fine For Me
gr8 gmaes for my xperia ... thank u...
where is hot pursoit??
Every link is dead not even one is valid please update the links
i need intro mp4 for assassin creed pls
most of them work ...but there are some that are making me sick even now ...can't figure them out :(( ...
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