Lately i had purchased information wire for exchange information files from pc to android operating system and android operating system to pc but after sometimes my wire eliminate even that was an unique Sony models Data wire and i got into a big problems because desired to exchange some imp information files ,then i look for on Google something for the application to exchange information files and i discovered WIFI TRANSFER PRO,with this application you can exchange information files from your cellphone to pc and pc to cellphone without any issue and Transfer amount will be same as information if you have a wifi in your pc and android operating system cellphone then this application will be so much useful for you.

Download Link:
WIFI Transfer Pro Apk Download
Set up apk computer file and start it
Connect your phone to wireless and start wireless exchange pro
Tap on start and you will get an IP deal with with http method,now you have to do is just create that ip deal with in your pc/laptop's web browser and you will be able to see your whole facts in your web browser.
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